Tome Topple Read-a-thon

I first heard about the Tome Topple Read-a-thon from Cat over at Little Book Owl, which is also where I found out about the Biannual Bibliothon which I will be posting more about in the next few days. I’ve been a bit stuck on things to do over on youtube at the moment and I have found read-a-thons to be a good way to force me into making videos so I decided to give this a try. The problem is, I found out about it only two days ago and had just started a book that I do not think I will finish before (eeek) tomorrow morning when the read-a-thon starts.
Either way, I am coming to you today with a TBR that I have cultivated in a way that I hope I can finish.

First let’s go into a little summary of the Tome Topple Read-a-thon for those who may be a little confused. You are only allowed to read books that are 500+ pages (or super close to 500 pages) and the primary aim is simply to read more than one. Unlike many read-a-thons, this one goes for two weeks because of the size of the books that we are trying to read. For the Tome Topple Read-a-thon there are five reading challenges to try and complete. It is obviously very hard to read five big books even given the two weeks and I myself have only put down three books. That said I am not doing all of the challenges but here they are;
1. Read more than 1 tome
2. Read a graphic novel (still over 500 pages!)
3. Read a tome that is part of a series
4. Buddy read a tome
5. Read an adult novel

And therefore…my TBR for the fortnight.

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness

(603 pages)


The third and final book in the Chaos Walking Trilogy and I am so excited to pick this up from the library and it will absolutely be the first book that I read. This has been the first series that I remember being fully absorbed in since maybe Harry Potter because usually I feel like series, especially trilogies can start to lose themselves. As a result I have to started many series at all.
This book is so incredibly unique and you can count on me making a video about it when I’m done.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

(525 pages)


I was given this book by a friend who had had it on his shelf for many years an never read. I had just seen the movie and was intrigued. And of course can never turn down the chance to own a beautiful hard cover book. This book is mostly comprised of drawing and therefore almost counts as the challenge to read a graphic novel but that also feels like a bit of a fib.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

(1,012 pages)


This is a case of a book that I have had on my self for a very long time, picking it up at a second-hand bookshop years ago having heard nothing about it and falling for it beautiful box set format (not the one pictured).
I was trying to use this read-a-thon as a way of finally getting to some big books I have ignored for a while and I chose this after looking at a lot of other TBR videos and seeing it mentioned. I am using this book to cross of the ‘Read an adult book’ challenge as is it an adult historical fiction, but I may scout around for someone to do a buddy read with, since I know it is a popular choice. Mmhm.
As I said, the edition I have is made up of three seperate books in a box set and I truly don’t think I will get through it all but I reckon I can get to at least finishing the first.


When looking at my bookshelves to find tomes to read for this I didn’t realise how many I actually have. Just incase you were wondering, here are some other tomes that almost made the cut.
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
The Man Who Loved Children by Christina Stead
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak (a reread don’t worry)

I will get to them one day.
See you soon,

Audrey xx

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